Awesomenauts is going free-to-play, a device called the aGlass will bring eye-tracking to the HTC Vive and an upcoming piece of software, Rainway, will allow you to stream games from your PC to your phones, tablets, and possibly Nintendo Switch- all this and more on this week’s episode of 1RBC Gaming Weekly. Plus, we offer our thoughts on adventure game Herald, which hit Steam a while back and is absolutely worth checking out. If you’re curious about Rainway, you can register for the beta here; as mentioned before, it’s software that will let you stream games from your computer to other devices. The developer’s goal is to allow you to stream to anything with a web browser- even a game console. It’s ambitious, and I’m looking forward to seeing where it goes. The week’s Kickstarter project, Alcyone, looks like a pretty neat sci-fi text adventure; if you’re into interactive fiction you should definitely give it a look. What do you think of this week’s game news? Let us know in the comments below or hit us up and follow @1RuleBeCool on Twitter.]]>