1 Rule Be Cool Gaming Weekly, our weekly game news show that brings you all the most interesting game industry news in one convenient package- announcements, releases and much more are all in here. Check out our first episode embedded below! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=scuPIYcAkXY Every week, we try to show off at least one crowdfunding project- this week, we’ve featured two. The first is for SOS Atlas, which is currently on Kickstarter and looks very promising; it’s a sci-fi game in which your father has gone missing after being attacked by rogue robots; it’s up to you to try and get him back. The other crowdfunding project we featured this week is WarpBall, which looks like a rather interesting take on football; essentially, each player has the ability to teleport short distances (except for the person with the ball). I really like the concept and would like to see the game fully developed; you can check out the trailer for that game below. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qtg7GCxngaU So, what do you think of our new show? Anything you’d like to see more of (or maybe less?) Please, let us know- you can leave a comment below or hit us up and follow @1RuleBeCool on Twitter.]]>