you can order it here)- if you’re reading this article well after its publication, you should know that one of the biggest criticism’s of Nintendo’s yet-to-be released console has thus far been its rather sparse launch lineup. While The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild certainly looks incredible, the other games teased, while they look fun, don’t seem to be big system sellers.
Nintendo is painfully aware of this, and has turned to showcasing its indie games- they released a video showing off some of the indie games coming to the system, and they’ve announced that over sixty indie games are on track to be released in 2017. Here are five games worth checking out if you get your hands on a Switch.
1. Steamworld Dig 2
Release Date: Summer 2017
Genre: Platformer
As a huge fan of the original Steamworld Dig as well as Steamworld Heist, I’m pretty thrilled to see that Steamworld Dig 2 is coming to the Switch- in case you’ve not heard of it, what you should know is that the first game, Steamworld Dig, is a Metroidvania platformer in which you play as Rusty, a robot who has inherited mines full of valuable resources, and a strange, dark mystery.
In the game’s sequel, you play as Dorothy, a character from the first game, who goes in search of Rusty who is now missing.
Personally, I really love the gameplay of Steamworld Dig– it combines Metrdoivania style exploration with digging, mining and procedurally generated levels- it’s a little bit like Terraria, but a bit more tightly focused on upgrading your character and pickaxe in order to fight off increasingly dangerous enemies and discover whatever mystery it is at the bottom of the mine. I’m pretty sure that the game’s sequel is going to be all sorts of awesome- a Steamworld game has yet to disappoint me. Also, I feel that it’s worth mentioning that Steamworld Dig and Heist were initially released on the Nintendo 3DS before being released for home consoles and PC, and those games fit well on their respective platforms; seeing as the Switch is both a home and mobile console, this game’s probably going to be well suited to play wherever you are.
2. TumbleSeed
Release Date: Spring 2017
Genre: Roguelike, Platformer
Tumbleseed is a game that caught my attention a while back; it’s a roguelike platformer in which your goal is pretty simple: make your way up the mountain. Accomplishing it, however, may prove tricky as there are a number of obstacles and enemies in your way- you could fall down a hole or run into some nasty spikes.
Fortunately, your seed isn’t completely defenseless as you can pick up powerups that allow you to evade danger, fill holes and fight back against hazards. Tumbleseed is also in development for PS4 and PC- why I suspect it’ll do particularly well on the Switch, however, is because it takes advantage of the HD Rumble feature of the Switch’s Joy-Cons- I’m really curious to see how advanced haptic feedback plays into this sort of game.
3. Splasher Genre: Platformer Release Date: Q2 2017 seems that we have quite the glut of high-quality indie platformers coming to the Switch- Splasher has already been released on Steam for Mac, Windows and Linux, and it’s a sleeper hit over there. The premise of Splasher is pretty straightforward: you’re armed with a paint cannon that allows you to use different colors on your environment for different effects- bouncing off of or sticking to walls, for instance- in order to escape traps, evade enemies, and get through levels as quickly as possible.
The game’s developers worked on the Rayman series, and the inspiration from those games comes clearly through in Splasher– it’s also rather reminiscent of Super Meat Boy, and the mechanic of painting the environment to modify movement seems like something straight out of Portal 2– thus far, the reviews have been tremendously positive for Splasher, so while I’ve not yet tried it I recommend checking it out on the Switch once it’s available.
4. Stardew Valley Genre: RPG, Farming Release Date: Summer 2017 Valley is already a huge hit on PC- released on Steam last year, it’s an RPG that takes after the likes of Harvest Moon– you’re in charge of running your own farm, but in between your agricultural responsibilities, you’re also busy making friends with people in town, exploring the surrounding countryside and more.
Stardew Valley seems like it’ll be a big hit on the Switch in large part because these sorts of games- stuff like Harvest Moon and Animal Crossing– have traditionally been Nintendo offerings. Further, Stardew Valley is a game with a lot of content- it’s the sort of game you’ll be popping into to play regularly, and it could help give the Switch longer legs.
5. Terraria Genre: Platformer, Open World’s hardly a surprise that Terraria is currently in development for the Nintendo Switch; in case you’re somehow unfamiliar with the smash-hit that is Terraria, all you need to know is that it’s an sandbox platformer in which you’re free to do whatever you want. Want to build a mansion out of exotic woods? You can. Want to dig deep beneath the world and fight monsters? You can do it in Terraria. Interested in diverting the water from a lake in order to create a flood somewhere? You’ve got the freedom to do this in Terraria.
Terraria is one of my favorite games on PC, and I’m probably going to wind up getting it on the Switch; while it’s a lot of fun to play alone, it really shines in multiplayer; there’s nothing quite like going on an adventure with your friends to the depths of the world. Additionally, the developers have positively spoiled the players with free content- there have been a substantial number of content updates that brought new things to experience, new bosses to fight and items to use. Expect to play a lot of Terraria if you pick it up for Switch.
These are five of the games that I’m looking forward to on the Switch- any of these catch your eye? What Switch games are you looking forward to? Sound off below or hit us up and follow @1RuleBeCool on Twitter; follow me for my own views. Mirror