Nintendo has made a lot of news this week– we also have news about some pretty interesting releases (the new Sonic game is fantastic), Pokemon Go has just received more legendaries and gamers are making a difference to victims of Hurricane Harvey. All this and more on this week’s episode of 1RBC Gaming Weekly!
If you’re curious about how gamers are helping in the wake of the hurricane, it’s happening in a few ways; first off, Bungie is selling collectible Destiny 2 pins for $15- proceeds from the sales of the pins go towards victims of the hurricane. Purchase a pin and you’ll also receive a code for a special in-game emblem- a great deal, and you get to help those in need.
Also, Games Done Quick has kicked off a special series of streams for Harvey relief; money donated during the streams will go to the Houston Food Bank.
What do you think of this week’s game news? Sound off below or hit us up and follow @1RuleBeCool for all the greatest game news, reviews, and more- be sure to follow me for my own views.]]>